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Josh Littlejohn is a leading social entrepreneur having created innovative solutions to social challenges and led a global movement to tackle homelessness and displacement.

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Recognition and Awards

Member of the British Empire (MBE)

Pride of Britain 2019 – Special Recognition

Debretts List of 500 Most Influential People in the UK

Honorary Degrees from Edinburgh University, Napier University, Robert Gordon University, Open University and Stirling University

The Great London Scot Award 2018 for Outstanding Young Talent

The Livingstone Medal – awarded by the Royal Scottish Geographical Society in recognition of outstanding service of a humanitarian nature

Great Scot Award 2016

The Observer Food Awards 2016 – Outstanding Achievement

Winner of a Robert Burns Humanitarian Award 2020

Ernst and Young Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2015

Public Speaking

Josh Littlejohn is a professional public speaker and undertakes speaking engagements in the UK and internationally.

To book Josh as a speaker for your event please contact:

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